Library of Neuropsychological Applications

  • Assessment

    CBDIonline ( )

    The CBDIonline, examination of cognitive skills essential to drive, can be administered and a comprehensive report generated in less than one hour. The CBDI was developed and thoroughly researched in a clinical rehabilitation setting over a 4 year period with over 230 cognitively impaired patients. Utilizing the CBDI, rehabilitation professionals are able to reliably and validly classify over 80% of their brain injured patients with regard to driving safety. This application is on its own website. Registration is open to qualified professionals and facilities only! Registration is free and includes 2 free test/reports. There is a fee per test.


    Brief Examination for Aphasia (BEA)

    The BEA provides a comprehensive, computer administered examination for symptoms of aphasia. While the computer administers the examination items, the examiner plays the key role in the test administration in terms of managing the test presentation and rating the patient's vocal and written responses. The examiner, then, must obviously be knowledgeable of speech/language function and the signs and symptoms of aphasia. A personalized narrative report is computer generated and includes diagnostic considerations.


    Neuropsychonline - Brief Mental Status Examination (NPO-BMSE)

    The NPO-BMSE was designed to provide a more comprehensive but still brief, evaluation of mental status that is more in concert with a neuropsychological perspective. In addition, we wanted to be able to generate an automated report from the NPO-BMSE that would provide more meaningful information to the clinician concerning the patient's capabilities and also serve as a starting point for further clinical procedures. The examination is a little more comprehensive than the typical mental status examination but can be completed in less than 20 minutes.

  • Differential Diagnosis

    Diagnosis of Congenital Syndromes and Anomalies

    We have developed a differential diagnosis program, "Dx of Congenital Syndromes and Anomalies" based closely on the text "Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation, 5th Edition". After you select, define and submit your patient's symptoms from the interactive interface, you receive a report showing the three most likely syndromes, given the symptoms selected. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book as a reference if you plan to utilize this application. This program is a screening device and cannot make a conclusive diagnosis.


    Headache Evaluation

    Our Headache Evaluation is the most comprehensive we have seen and it writes a report that can be utilized with little or no editing. In addition to organizing the evaluation data collected into a clear and precise report the program offers the top three "most probable diagnoses" given the symptoms provided. Ask of the patient specifically, or learn from your interview, the information reqired to answer as many of the questions in the form as possible. You can accomplish this while online (entering each response as you acquire the information) or you can print the form so as to facilitate your gathering of the information off-line. In either case, once you have the data, enter it into the form on-line and submit it. Within seconds to a minute you will receive a completed report, formatted and displayed as a printable webpage on your screen.



    The AphasiaDx program is a quick differential diagnosis for aphasia that can be based on clinical observation and/or clinical testing. Upon responding to questions concerning the patient's symptomology, the user is presented with the name and definition of the most likely aphasia syndrome along with an illustration showing the most likely areas of the brain that, when damaged, would produce the aphasia.



    The VisionDx program is a quick differential diagnosis for localization of brain lesions based upon visual field defects. With data from a visual fields examination, the clinician can browse through the display panels to match up the results. The panel displays the possible lesion sites and indicates the vascular distribution that might be involved, when appropriate.

  • Clinical Reports

    We currently provide Clinical Reports for the WISC-III, WISC-IV and WAIS-III batteries for intellectual assessment. If you enter data you have collected from full examinations (ie you administered all the subtests and optional procedures) you will receive back a comprehensive, narrative report of about 15 pages written in a clear and informative manner making it most useful to you and to your referral sources for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of your patients. Data tables and performance graphs are equally clear and understandable. However, if you elect to do only partial batteries you can still get a meaningful report, even if you only administered one subtest. All of our reports can be printed directly from the web page or copied and pasted into your word processor for editing by you. All reports now include weakness specific recommendations for remediation.

  • Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy ( online system )

    We have developed and provided software for cognitive rehabilitation for over twenty years with our PSSCogRehab System (still available at -- --) that many therapists from around the world have utilized with good success. In developing our new Neuropsychonline Cognitive Rehabiltiation Therapy System we applied everything we have learned over that time period to make this system the very best it can be for the treatment of our patients with brain function impairment from whatever cause. Please take our Video Tour and read our About page for much more detail and examples of these applications.


    The NeuroPsychOnline (NPO) Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy System consists of six Tracks of exercises designed to improve the user’s cognitive skills. The Tracks are:


    Attention Skills ( 12 exercises, 4 levels each )

    Executive Skills ( 12 exercises, 4 levels each )

    Memory Skills ( 12 exercises, 4 levels each ) Sample exercise - Track 03: Memory Skills - Colormatch (requires FlashPlayer)

    Visuospatial Skills ( 12 exercises, 4 levels each )

    Problem Solving Skills ( 12 exercises, 3 or 4 levels each )

    Communication Skills ( 12 exercises, 3 or 4 levels each )


    A therapist subscriber can operate the therapy system on an automated or a manual basis. The automated mode consists of a predetermined therapy protocol in which the patient is systematically presented with the entire therapy program in a hierarchy that we use at the Neuroscience Center and which was utilized in our research. The manual mode allows the therapist to select from a menu the exercise they want to do with a patient, in a face-to-face session, and/or set up as a prescription that includes the Tasks that the therapist wants the patient to do at home between therapy sessions. To do the latter, therapists must assist their patient in converting their registration from a patient only seen in the office to a patient subscriber. There is a link under the Administration Menu within the Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy section that will facilitate this procedure.


    A prescription that the therapist could set up for a patient subscriber to do at home could contain from one to six Tasks at a time. Only one Task within a particular Track can be assigned in a prescription. A patient’s advancement through levels and also through Tasks is dependent on their performance on the Tasks. They must meet performance criteria to pass a run and they must pass on three consecutive runs to totally pass a level. Totally passing a level means that particular level will not be presented again. The patient is automatically advanced, by the system, to the next level or Task if they perform well enough on a Task. However, the therapist can always control, manually, how a patient advances through the system if they want to deviate from the established protocol.


    We conduct comprehensive Therapist Training Workshops on a regular basis that teach our intended method of conducting cognitive rehabilitation therapy with the Neuropsychonline system.

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